1. Introduce yourself: your name and where you’re from.
Hi, I’m Kim Strother. I’m originally from a small town in New Jersey, right outside of Atlantic City. And yes, I worked in the casinos as a greeter in high school!
2. Where do you live?
After 13 years in NYC, I found my way back towards the beach in Venice, California.
3. How did you start out in your career and how did you build your business into what it is today?
I’ve been an athlete my whole life, so personal training was a natural progression for me. It’s pretty clear to me now that fitness has always been my path, but for a long time, I resisted leaning into it as my entire career, thinking there was something bigger. I was a fitness model and actor, but I continued to be met with roadblocks and wasn’t feeling fulfilled.
It felt like I had come to a crossroads and not knowing where to turn, I decided to tune into my intuition and just surrender to what the universe had in store for me. Fitness opportunities kept coming and I kept saying yes. I met the most amazing people, traveled to incredible places, and really started to feel aligned with my purpose.
I really feel like my career in fitness allows me to give my highest contribution and help transform the lives of others. Now I teach group fitness classes and work as a personal trainer, holistic health coach, and yoga instructor. My life really feels in flow.

4. We’ve never seen such toned arms! What’s your secret arm workout?
Ha! Why thank you! For my upper body, I do a lot of yoga and lightweight/high repetition exercises and of course, nutrition is a major contributor.
5. On that note, are you very strict with what you eat?
I try not to look at my nutrition as strict or limiting. I think reframing the way we think about food is so important. Everybody is truly different and I don’t believe there is a one-size-fits-all approach for nutrition, but this is what has worked for me.
I was a vegetarian for 16 years, but switching up my approach to nutrition was a huge part of my healing. For me, reducing inflammation in my body was key. I switched to following a paleo meal plan. Taking away sugar, dairy, and grains has truly changed my health. I believe listening to our bodies is extremely important. Food shouldn’t feel restricting and avoiding foods that make us feel sick isn’t a punishment, it’s a gift to ourselves. I always encourage clients to focus on foods that nourish and heal our bodies and make us feel our best.
6. Aside from yoga, what form of workout do you enjoy the most?
For most of my life, I would have told you that running was my favorite workout. However, ten years ago I was diagnosed with Lyme disease and I went from running every day to not being able to get down a city block without getting winded. Getting my health back was a long journey, but it also taught me to slow down and listen to what my body needs. Cardio will always be one of my favorite ways to move, but now I take an easier approach and get outside for long hikes.

7. Do you have a morning ritual?
Coffee and mediation! It may sound like an oxymoron, but my coffee wakes me up and meditation calms my mind, allowing me to start my day from a place of peace.
8. If you could train anyone, past or present, who would it be?
One of my favorite parts of being a personal trainer is getting to know my clients! I believe that every person that’s brought into our lives, is there for a reason. There is something to learn from everyone we meet.
That being said, Maya Angelou would have been a dream client! She’s one of my absolute favorite writers and just to gain an ounce of wisdom from her would have been invaluable!
9. What is your favorite spot in the world to practice yoga?
I have taught yoga in some of the most incredible places, however, the most magical was when I was teaching for Summit Series. We flew in helicopters to the top of a mountain in Northern Kenya for class. It’s almost indescribable–– the view, the people, knowing that elephants were roaming below, the connection to the land–– this will forever be my favorite place!

10. Tell us something about yourself that not many people know.
Well, I’ve already told you I worked as a greeter in the casino in high school, so it’s hard to top that! I guess not a lot of people know!!
11. What is your most guilty pleasure?
French fries dipped in mayo! Some may say “ew gross” but if you know, you know...yum!
12. Who or what motivates you?
Getting sick changed everything for me. Before, I never thought about how lucky I was to simply wake up every day and feel well. I’m so grateful to have my health back on track. I know that eating well, meditation, and movement will keep me feeling my best. Although having Lyme disease was challenging, it’s been my biggest motivator for self-care.